A. Increase percent of students "on grade level or higher" on state and local assessments among measured content areas
1. Percent of students growing from their previous results - February 2025 Report
2. Percent of students achieving in comparison to grade level peers - February 2025 Report
B. Increase access and performance in college-level or college preparatory coursework.
1. Percent of students taking at least one post-secondary course In their high school career: (e.g Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and dual credit) - October Report
2. Percent of students taking an AP or 1B test during their high school career - October Report
3. Percent of students receiving postsecondary credit for an AP, IB, and/or dual credit course - October Report
C. Increase access, variety and completion rates of students who participate in professional certifications and/or workplace experiences
1. Number of students receiving Industry-recognized credentials and professional certificates - October Report
2. Number of students completing a workplace learning experience (apprenticeships, work cooperatives, and/or work experience). - October Report
3. Number of work-based learning partnerships within the community - October Report
D. Academic Development and behaviors of students to help prepare them for citizenship.
1. Life-ready indicators(4K-12)(e.g. attendance, graduation, volunteerism, etc.) - July 2024 Report
2. Post-high school experiences (e.g. post-secondary, military, apprenticeship, employment, no employment)
3. Percent of seniors meeting College Board recommendations for course of study
4. Percent of students who persist beyond first year and graduate college within six years
E. Implement cutting edge and innovative learning practices.
1. Incorporate research-based and innovative curriculum, instructional and assessment practices - August Report