Students have two, 25-minute, grade level recesses each day.
Playground Expectations
In order to insure a safe recess, students need to follow these rules:
- Use playground equipment properly.
- Be respectful of others (no hitting, pushing, etc.).
- Include others in games and share equipment.
- Follow directions of duty staff.
- Adhere to the rules of sports/activities and exhibit good sportsmanship.
Dressing for Recess
Students are expected to come to school prepared for outdoor play. It is the student’s and parent’s responsibility to make choices that ensure physical safety and well-being. Coats are recommended any time the temperature is below 40 degrees.
Supervisors cannot send students back to classrooms, so students should take coats with them on chilly days. Teachers will periodically review dress expectations with students and will send written reminders to parents in the case of chronic dress code concerns.
Windchill Outdoor/Indoor Recess Plan
When the windchill or temperature is below zero, indoor recess will be held. It may also be called due to precipitation.
Requests to Remain Indoors at Recess
A note from the child’s physician is required to request that a child needs to stay in from recess for an extended period of time due to an illness or injury.